
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bomb Raid

All my family and friends, including Lauren and Destrie, are in my house having a get together. Destrie gets on the computer and tells me that there have been bombings in a few different southern states. I tell her I think its sad, but there is nothing to worry about. All of a sudden lights start flashing in my house, and everyone starts evacuating. Destrie, Lauren and I go out through my back door and run down to my friend Rachel's house and hide in her garage. The garage doesn't have doors though. Instead, there are pillars, and in between all of the pillars are sheets that can be pulled down. Rachel's family joins us, but mostly women, and we all try to hide as best as we can.

We wait in the garage thinking we are going to be bombed, when women on motorcycles drive down into the coldisac. They have laser beams on the front of their motorcycles and start shooting at us. I stand right behind a pillar so that I won't get shot in the head or the chest. I get shot in the foot, but when it hits it feels like a puff of air. They kill a couple people, but not any of my close friends. After they decide they are done, they just drive away. All of a sudden the sheets go up and we are in Italy. There are boys sitting on and around a well, talking to us. They tell us they want to take pictures of us so that we can have a memory of what just happened. We all stand together, and while everyone smiles I start crying. One boy comes up to me and shows me all the photographs he's taken, and I tell him how good he is. Then I wake up.

Ghost Lady

My friend Cory and I are sitting in a dark room on chairs facing an old-fashioned film camera. It takes photos of us, and prints it out automatically, and then we look through them. The camera took a few different pictures, and we were assigned to look through all of the photos to see if there was anything different in one of them. They all looked the same for a long time, but the longer we look at it the more we realize something is different in one of them. There is a dim light behind us in it. I tell Cory to look again because I think something is wrong.

He starts scratching the photos on his shirt, and we both look at them again. We both see at the exact same time there is a woman developing behind us as we stare at the photo. She was not in any of the other photos. He shows me and holds it up close to my face with a shocked look, and the lady becomes visible in the photo. She has long dark hair, and light skin, and she is floating behind us. All of a sudden, as I'm holding the photo, some force pushes my head back. I start choking, and struggling to breathe. My body becomes paralyzed, and I start panicking inside myself, and then an image of the woman flashes in my head again. Then I wake up.

Water Ballet

I was with Kenna in a room with concrete walls. In the concrete walls were aquariums, but it was very dark and dirty. I was floating around the room, while Kenna sat on the ground. She was watching a screen on one wall that showed the ocean. There were woman on skis holding onto strings carried by dolphins. Behind that was a woman wearing ballet slippers floating across the water. She would jump into the air and do ballet positions and spins, and that was her way of practicing. My sister Kenna asked why the ballerina was doing this, and she didn't think it was anything special. I got very defensive and told her how amazing it was.

I ran around the room in the air, going from aquarium to aquarium. I got to one aquarium and looked through all of the moss on the glass and saw into another room. The other room was clean and bright, and beautiful and all the fish in it were colorful. I saw people smiling and laughing in the room, and I wished that I could get into the room. I panicked because I noticed there were spiderwebs all over the aquarium, and I jumped back from it. Then I woke up.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Josh's House

I went over to my friend Josh's house with Destrie and Jeff Ott to meet Josh's family. His family was huge, and the house was huge, and people were scattered everywhere. I met some people, and Josh left the room and came back in about 4 feet tall. I asked him how he got so short and he said that he had an accident awhile ago and now has fake knees. Sometimes he takes them off to become shorter, and sometimes he puts them back on.
(I just think this photo is funny :P)

After I met his family I decided to go upstairs. I found a shower and started showering. Destrie walked in and asked what I was doing, and decided that she wanted to take a shower too. So she started to take a bath. At that point Josh's sister appeared in the bathroom and told me that I didn't belong there, and needed to leave. I remember watching her hair in the shower go straight and then curly and then straight over and over and wondered how that was happening. I got mad so I broke a pipe in the shower and the bathroom started flooding. I ran out of the room and told Josh's dad what I did. He said that it was alright and that the family was going for a walk.

Me and Josh were walking together and we saw a huge hill that turned into a frozen waterfall. Penguins and seals started coming down the hill and I wanted to go look at them. Josh said that if we look really big then they won't attack us so I got on Josh's back and we walked toward the animals. When we went over, Josh walked all over the seals, and I got mad at him for hurting them. But I looked down at them and they would flatten and then puff up back to normal. We kept on walking in the city, and I started taking pictures of all the old buildings.. Then I woke up

Zoo attack

I was in a zoo with my sisters Hillary and Kenna, and my parents. We were all on a top floor looking down at the polar bears. Someone decided to set the polar bears free, and everyone thought it would be a good idea so they did it. The polar bears started walking around the zoo very calm at first but then started getting angry. I knew something bad was going to happen so I started warning my family and telling them to get on the bottom floor because that seemed like the safe thing to do.

My sister Kenna got down and my dad started to. He was holding onto the top floor railing while the polar bears were trying to attack me, and all of a sudden the polar bears disappeared. Instead, a huge pool of water formed on the bottom floor and a giant hippo came out of it. It grabbed my dad and tried to swallow him whole. My dad was holding onto its teeth trying to get out, and my mom started screaming. I looked around me shocked and didn't know what to do. I started bawling and just looked at my mom and Hillary screaming and crying. My vision went kind of blurry and I looked around myself. I looked back at my dad trying to get out of the hippos mouth, I screamed, and then I woke up.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Forest Monsters

I am holding a baby in my arms, when I realize that I need to go into the forest. I go with a group of women and men, like we are pioneers trekking through the forest, and we are wearing clothes that look like we are from the 18th century. As we walk through the forest the start getting pulled underground one by one. They started struggling and each of them fell through the dirt. All the women started panicking and we all left the forest and went back to the towns.

When we got there we learned that women and children don't ever get attacked by the monsters, only men. There was also a certain medication that we had to take to build up our strength from the monsters, and to help us get the men out of the ground. I took some meds and I walked back into the forest alone... I couldn't find any of the men and I got lost.

Once I didn't know where I was anymore I found myself back at my house with Lauren, Kenna, Hillary and my mom. We were all making sugar cookies and trying to get them done in time for a final at my school. I remember looking out at the trees in my backyard and thinking about floating away on the leaves. We all rushed to get the cookies done and went to the school. When we got there, nobody was there for the finals and I just sat there at a desk alone... Then I woke up


Me and Kenna are sitting in a room with a tv. She tells me to rewind it to watch a commercial she likes. I rewind it, and we are on the set of the making of an infomercial with Hulk Hogan in it. He tells the production team that he wants giant blocks of stone thrown at him to show his strength. So he laid down in a coffin and the team would slingshot stones towards him. When they got close enough to him, he sprang up from the coffin like a vampire and broke the stones with his muscles!
Haha, that's it, but I think it's funny.